Affirmations | I Bring Value To The World | Note 460
Do you believe your life is good and that it will only get better? You have magic in your life. And today, like every day,
Personal Development | The Hard Stuff | Note 459
Why do you need to do difficult things? Mindset coach Sean Croxton always says, “little by little becomes a lot.” When you get the courage
Quote | Why You Need Greater Self Confidence | Note 458
Would you be a different person with more self-confidence? Would you would be a different person in all areas of your life?
Lesson | Why I Had To Let Go of This Limiting Belief | Note 457
What’s holding you back? My pursuit to control every aspect of my image kept me from achieving my full potential. I cannot control everything, and
Mindset | Don’t Waste Another Day of Your Life | Note 456
Do you know the easiest way to waste your life is living in could’ve, should’ve, would’ve? You can think about doing something as much as
Successful People Say, “This Is a World I Can Succeed In” | Note 455
Are you confident about your future success? What is the main difference between people who have confidence they will succeed and people who don’t?
Successful People Take Action | Note 454
Do you know if you’re not taking steps toward your goals, you are less likely to feel satisfied with your life? This is a no-brainer,
Successful People Avoid the Second-Guess Paralysis | Note 453
Are you confident about your decisions?
Successful People Do Things in Order | Note 452
How will you get to the top? One step becomes two, and two turns into three.
Successful People Resist the Urge to Be Average | Note 451
Do you know bad habits can spread like a contagious disease? “Everywhere around you are average people. They entice you into being more like them
I Am So Happy and Grateful Now… | Affirmations | Note 450
Do you believe you were born to be rich? Bob Proctor believes happiness, health, and wealth are obtainable when you have a purpose. Use these
6 Books Bob Proctor Recommends | Personal Development | Note 449
What are you currently reading? Bob Proctor once said, while he couldn’t come up with a definitive list of books, he never wanders far from
The “Idea” of Money | Quote | Note 448
“The best way to develop a prosperity consciousness is to start seeing yourself, in your mind’s eye, already in possession of the amount of money
Pay Yourself First | Self-Improvement | Note 447
When do you start to live this good life? Is that the question you are beginning to ask yourself? You start now.
One Habit That Will Change Your World | Personal Development | Note 446
Do you know if you turn decision-making into a habit and change how you look at things, what you look at will change? Most people
Affirmations | I Can Do This | Note 445
If you think you can do it, you can, right?
Mindset | How to Believe In You | Note 444
Is believing in yourself the first step to success? Believing in yourself starts with changing your perspective, and understanding your voice is meaningful.
Quote | You Must Be In Order To Do | Note 443
Do you know to say, “I will be" is a confession that "I am not?” “It is impossible to do anything. You must be in
Lesson | It’s a Privilege to Experience Me | Note 442
Have you ever felt slighted because you did not get invited to something?
Motivation | Perfectly Imperfect | Note 441
Are you ready to accept your flaws and all? Give yourself a chance to be the happiest you can be. Let go of trying to
I Don’t Need To Have It All Figured Out | Affirmations | Note 440
Do you believe you’ll know what to do when the time comes? It’s important not to stress yourself out over not having it all figured
How To Get It Done | Mindset | Note 439
How can you produce anything if you are busy consuming? If you are busy consuming, you don’t have time to produce — you don’t have
Freedom | Motivational Quotes | Note 438
When do you feel the freest? How would you describe freedom.
Turn The Page | Personal Growth | Note 437
The time comes when you need to make a change. Sometimes you have to move on. It’s okay to try something else.
You Will Fail | Self-Improvement | Note 436
Do you believe you will succeed the first time you do something? The odds of you not succeeding the first time you do anything are