Want 3 surprising steps to get unstuck?
Make The Right Decisions

Make The Right Decisions | Note 331


Learn from all your poor decisions.

I have felt like I drifted away from what this podcast is supposed to be if you are wondering why I am reintroducing myself.
For 300+ notes, I have shown up, but as of late, it’s been tough. Podcasting isn’t easy.
I started this podcast to help people find clarity, get sh*t done, and win. I wanted to share some of the motivational notes I write for myself with you.
I’ve got away from that. Perhaps I believed my simple notes weren’t good enough, among other things. I’m not sure.
This week, I am going back to the basics. Expect brief, bite-sized, but meaningful notes from me.
Today’s note: Make The Right Decisions
Just because you decided to do something doesn’t mean that you are making the right decision. So how do you make the right decision?
One way to make better decisions is by learning from all your poor decisions, and it’s okay.
When you realize who you are and what you want, you’ll make better decisions — you’ll make the right decisions.





Follow @iamSincerelyTam for daily motivation and inspiration.


Queen of Bite-Sized Motivation | Strategist | NOW: I help creatives build profitable businesses. | THEN: Playboy. Hilton. DIRECTV. Ogilvy. TheDrive. | Creator: