Want 3 surprising steps to get unstuck?
F**k It and Sigh and Breathe Out.

Affirmations | F**k It and Sigh and Breathe Out. | Note 330


I’m taking the pressure off myself and saying F**k It.

If you have been with me all week, you know we explored the words of John Parkin from his book F**K It: The Ultimate Spiritual Way

Today’s note: F**k It and sigh and breathe out. 


“Try it. ‘I say Fuck It to my bad back’ … then sigh and breathe out. ‘I say Fuck It to my bullying boss’ …. then sigh and breathe out. And so on. Whenever things matter too much. Whenever you feel tense or anxious or afraid. Just say F**k It and sigh and breathe out. It works a treat.”

Grab your pencil and write these affirmations down.

I say F**k It to fear.

F**k It to stress.

F**k It to worry.

F**k It to carrying about what people think.

F**k It to anxiety.

F**k It to indecision.

I’m taking the pressure off myself and saying F**k it. I’m going to do it and accept it, or don’t do it and just get on with my life. But I won’t make it such a big thing.

I say F**k It and sigh and breathe out. 




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Queen of Bite-Sized Motivation | Strategist | NOW: I help creatives build profitable businesses. | THEN: Playboy. Hilton. DIRECTV. Ogilvy. TheDrive. | Creator: