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Here’s Why You Never Mind What They Say

Here’s Why You Never Mind What They Say | Personal Development | Note 348


Does what they say really matter?

“If the thing you wish to do is right, and you believe in it, go ahead and do it! Put your dream across, and never mind what ‘they’ say if you meet with temporary defeat, for ‘they’, perhaps, do not know that every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent benefit.” — Napoleon Hill.
Does what they say really matter? The opinions of others are just that — opinions. Remember, it’s not what they say. It’s how you react. It’s how you feel. It’s about the decisions you make.
It’s about your decision to give your power to others. And that’s why you never mind what they say.





Follow @iamSincerelyTam for daily motivation and inspiration.


Notes: Motivational Podcast, Mindset and Motivation Podcast, Motivational Quotes, Podcasts for Women, Bite-Sized Learning, Mindset Coach


Queen of Bite-Sized Motivation | Strategist | NOW: I help creatives build profitable businesses. | THEN: Playboy. Hilton. DIRECTV. Ogilvy. TheDrive. | Creator: