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Mindset | Are You Controlling Your Inner Conversations?

Mindset | Are You Controlling Your Inner Conversations? | Note 336


Does your inner speech match the idea of the person you wish to be?

Do you realize if you change the inner attitude of your mind, you can change the outer aspects of your life? The first time I heard this concept, I immediately nodded and agreed.
In my pursuit of learning as much as I can about mindset and personal development, I’ve learned that half the battle happens in your mind. I also believe the thousands of thoughts that cross our minds each day shape the results we get in life.
You are creating your future through your inner conversations.
Does your inner speech match the idea of the person you wish to be?
A change of inner speech is a change of mind and reality.
So ask yourself, are you controlling your inner conversations?




Follow @iamSincerelyTam for daily motivation and inspiration.


Notes: Motivational Podcast, Mindset and Motivation Podcast, Motivational Quotes, Podcasts for Women, Bite-Sized Learning, Mindset Coach


Queen of Bite-Sized Motivation | Strategist | NOW: I help creatives build profitable businesses. | THEN: Playboy. Hilton. DIRECTV. Ogilvy. TheDrive. | Creator: