Learn To Fly Alone | Note 068
Instead of waiting for other people to do all the things you dreamed of doing, why not learn to fly alone?
“What he had once hoped for the Flock, he now gained for himself alone; he learned to fly, and was not sorry for the price that he had paid. Jonathan Seagull discovered that boredom and fear and anger are the reasons that a gull’s life is so short, and with these gone from his thought, he lived a long fine life indeed.”
The Quote above is from the book “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach and illustrated by Russell Munso.
This book was one of late great Kobe Bryant’s favorite books of all time, and there is a reason. It’s absolutely a brilliant story on self-determination.
Hi! I am Tam, your virtual Mentor, Motivator, and Strategist. Welcome to SincerelyTam.com. If you’re interested in learning more about the book, please visit my book store.
Today’s Note: Learn To Fly Alone
How many times have you heard the phrase “life is short?” Here’s the thing, even if you live a long life, it’s still short if you don’t take the time to do all things you dreamed about doing.
Your dreams are all but guaranteed to shatter if you let boredom and fear and anger get the best of you.
Your dreams are all but guaranteed to shatter if you rely on other people to do all the things you dreamed about doing.
Instead of letting boredom and fear and anger get the best of you, why not let these things be gone from your thoughts so you can do all the things you dreamed about doing? Instead of waiting for other people to do all the things you dreamed of doing, why not learn to fly alone?
Life is too short for boredom.
Life is too short to worry about fear.
Life is too short for constant anger.
Life is too short to wait on other people.
Why not learn to fly alone?
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