Want 3 surprising steps to get unstuck?
Keep Showing Up

Keep Showing Up | Note 541


What will it take for you to quit?

Question for you. Are you willing to believe in yourself?
What will you do if things don’t go your way?
Sometimes things don’t work out. Life can be difficult.
The odds may stack against you. You may embarrass yourself. People may judge you. But, no matter what, you should show up for yourself.
Even if you feel stuck and your confidence in your ability to win is low, regardless of the circumstances, keep showing up.




Notes: Motivational Podcast, Mindset and Motivation Podcast, Motivational Quotes, Bite-Sized Learning, Personal Development


Queen of Bite-Sized Motivation | Strategist | NOW: I help creatives build profitable businesses. | THEN: Playboy. Hilton. DIRECTV. Ogilvy. TheDrive. | Creator: