Today is The Great Conjunction and Winter Solstice | Note 171
It really is an exceptional time to be alive.
There are ten days left in 2020. Coincidentally, today is the shortest day of the year and the day two planets will travel together across the sky.
Today is a special day.
Today is the start of your best week ever.
Today is the start of your best year, best decade, and the rest of your life.
Now is a better time than ever to identify your dreams and devise a plan to achieve them. Today is the day to leave all the negative stuff behind. Today is the day Jupiter and Saturn will appear as a single, glowing star.
The last time there was a Jupiter and Saturn conjunction was in the year 2000. This conjunction happens every 20 years; however, it is the first time the two planets will be this close since 1623. This occurrence coincides with the Winter Solstice, the longest night and shortest day of the year for those in the Northern Hemisphere. The December solstice marks the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest day in the Southern Hemisphere.
What’s that you say? Well, let’s say today is a spectacular day.
It really is an exceptional time to be alive. So just for a moment, forget everything that has happened. Focus on the things you want to create. Let today be your best day ever. Today is The Great Conjunction and Winter Solstice.
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