Want 3 surprising steps to get unstuck?

There is No More Time | Note 097

Why do you think you will have time now?
When I was in college, I never missed a class. On the surface, I was the perfect student. But was I? 

No, I wasn’t. I never studied. Why? I always ran out of time. 

I told myself I was going to study. 
I blocked out time to study. 
I looked at the book, so I could prepare to study.
I just never made time to study.

If you’re wondering, I passed all my classes, and I earned a Bachelor of Science degree, but my GPA wasn’t the highest.

One of the most valuable lessons I learned in college while pursuing my degrees and certificates was about myself. I discovered I needed to develop better time management habits.

Hi! I am Tam! Thank you for joining me for some bite-sized motivation served up two minutes at a time 

Today’s Note: There is No More Time

You keep telling yourself you have tomorrow, but if you couldn’t get it done today, yesterday, last week, or last month, why do you think you will have time now?

You won’t have time because you won’t make time.

If you want it, start today.
You must start now.
You didn’t start yesterday, last week, or last month. 
You lost the opportunity. It’s gone. It’s no more.
Stop making excuses. There is no more time. There is only now.




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Queen of Bite-Sized Motivation | Strategist | NOW: I help creatives build profitable businesses. | THEN: Playboy. Hilton. DIRECTV. Ogilvy. TheDrive. | Creator: