The Search For Your Passion According to Gino Wickman | Note 558
Do you know how to find your passion?
In his book, Entrepreneurial Leap, Gino Wickman offers a lot of thought-provoking information that helps you decide once and for all if you should leap into entrepreneurship.
In addition to offering six essential trails that he believes every entrepreneur needs, Gino also shares advice on finding your passion in this comprehensive but simple how-to manual on entrepreneurship.
He writes, “In the words of my friend Burke Miller, the author of A Sacred Trust: The Four Disciplines of Conscious Leadership, “Your purpose is a confluence of what you are built for, and what you stand for.”
Another way of saying it is that you’ve got to figure out your reason for being, why you exist. You might already know it, which would be great, but if not, that’s okay. You have plenty of time. What follows will hopefully give you a light bulb moment.
It’s important that you don’t let anyone discourage you. Your passion is going to come from you and only you. If you share your calling with someone who is not impressed, ignore their reaction. Your passion is not going to excite everyone.”
Gino goes on to write, “While helping many people discover what drives them, I’ve found their passions tend to fall into one of four broad categories:
1. Helping and serving the customer or client
2. Building an amazing company
3. Solving problems and innovating
4. Winning: being the best or the biggest”
Are you drawn to any of the categories in the search for your passion?
Notes: Motivational Podcast, Motivational Quotes, Bite-Sized Learning, Mindset Coach