Want 3 surprising steps to get unstuck?

Start Where You Can Start | Note 167

Stop with all the bull sh*t and get it done already.

Stop with all the bull sh*t and get it done already. One day I told myself that, and I remind myself of it whenever I find I’m drifting. I can do a lot of things extremely well, but I can’t do it all at once. I learned that the hard way.
A case in point is if you have listened to this podcast since day one, you know that I have talked about sharing a few interviews that I’ve done. Months later and I’ve not published one interview. Why? I have no excuse.
I’m working on three major things at once, along with all the other things I have going on. I spread myself too thin to complete the tasks I committed to doing.
I took a step back and re-evaluated where I was, what I was doing, and what I could do to get it all done. 

As the saying goes, start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can.
I made a success list, not a to-do list, and in the last week, I’ve got so much done. I set bite-sized goals that bring me closer to my big goal. Instead of spinning my wheels, I decided to start where I could start.
Hi, I am Tam. The Queen of Bite-Sized Motivation. Are you ready for your daily dose of bite-sized motivation?

Today’s Note: Start Where You Can Start

You cannot do everything at once, but you can start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can. You may not have all the answers at the moment, but that should not stop you from moving forward with your big idea.
Getting started can be as simple as figuring out where to begin and researching how-to succeed at what you’re doing. Googling and watching how-to videos on YouTube is a simple way to start with what you have. Writing your ideas on a sheet a paper and mapping them out is the best way to do what you can. It’s easy to start where you can start.



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Queen of Bite-Sized Motivation | Strategist | NOW: I help creatives build profitable businesses. | THEN: Playboy. Hilton. DIRECTV. Ogilvy. TheDrive. | Creator: