Self-Improvement | What Do You Expect? | Note 383
Are you deliberately inviting the worst to come?
“We might say, according to your expectancies be it done unto you; so, what are you expecting?”
“We hear people say: “We expect the worst to happen,” or “The worst is yet to come.” They are deliberately inviting the worst to come.”
“We hear others say: “I expect a change for the better.” They are inviting better conditions into their lives.”
The quotes above are from the book The Secret Door To Success by Florence Scovel Shinn.
Florence Scovel Shinn goes on to also say in the book The Secret Door To Success, “Change your expectancies and you change your conditions. How can you change your expectancies, when you have formed the habit of expecting loss, lack or failure? Begin to act as if you expected success, happiness and abundance; prepare for your good. Do something to show you expect it to come. Active faith alone, will impress the subconscious.”
Do you know nothing is too good to be true and nothing is too wonderful to happen? It’s all about what do you expect.
Notes: Motivational Podcast, Mindset and Motivation Podcast, Motivational Quotes, Podcasts for Women, Bite-Sized Learning, Mindset Coach