Want 3 surprising steps to get unstuck?

Learn By Doing | Note 186

Make it up. Believe it. Live it.

Lately, I’ve been reading books and ebooks from lesser-known authors. For this week’s notes, I am sharing some hidden gems from the book 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself: Change Your Life Forever by Steven Chandler. I won’t read all 100 moves you can make that lead directly to motivation, but I thought I would share a few each day. 

Today’s Note: Learn By Doing

What we learn to do, we learn by doing it. Action is required to truly motivate yourself.

Create a vision. Create a vision of who you want to be and then live into that picture as if it is already true. Make it up. Believe it. Live it.

Tell yourself a true lie.

Tell a convincing lie about yourself to clarify and create a vision of who you want to be. How great are you? Makeup untruths.

Plan your work.

Get the picture of who you want to be and then plan to be it. Don’t react. Plan, so you don’t have to react to things that come up.
Definitely planned work, if even for an hour, is better than a failure to plan. 

Dribble with your other hand.

It’s not that you can’t; it’s that you haven’t. Reprogram your habits of thinking. Change one thought at a time.

Play your character.

You can be inspired by doing the character you want to become. How you act is how you become. 

I appreciate you spending two minutes with me today. I hope these five moves keep you motivated enough to subscribe to the Sincerely HER Podcast, tell a friend, leave a positive comment, a review, and a 5-star rating.



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Queen of Bite-Sized Motivation | Strategist | NOW: I help creatives build profitable businesses. | THEN: Playboy. Hilton. DIRECTV. Ogilvy. TheDrive. | Creator: