I Know Change Is Not Impossible | Note 560
Can people change?
In a short video from internationally acclaimed author Dr. John C. Maxwell, and he proposed people change in four different seasons.
1. When they hurt enough, they have to change
2. When they see enough, they’re inspired to change
3. When they learn enough that they want to change
4. When they receive enough that they’re able to change
Fascinating, right? Is he right?
What we know is that change is difficult but not impossible. The circumstances and motivation for your change may be debatable, but you can do it. Changing your life starts with having the courage to change how you relate to your problems.
Grab a pencil and write these affirmations down.
I am unstoppable.
I am worthy.
I am the architect of my life.
I deserve love, trust, and peace in my life.
I am strong, courageous, and worthy of all good things.
I am evolving, becoming the best version of myself.
I attract greatness.
I am ready to make a positive change.
I know change is not impossible.
Use these affirmations when you first wake up or when you are about to go to bed for the best results. Add emotions to your affirmations. Feel the meaning in the words as you repeat them. Don’t just say the words. Feel and believe they are true.
Notes: Motivational Podcast, Mindset and Motivation Podcast, Motivational Quotes, Bite-Sized Learning