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I Am Not Afraid to Exceed My Potential | Note 085

You are extraordinary. You go beyond potential.


Happy Friday! I know you had a great week. In fact, I know you exceeded your potential.
Why? Because you’re here and you listened to the Sincerely Her Podcast. That confirms to me you are not afraid to win!


Today’s Note: I Am Not Afraid to Exceed My Potential


Living up to your potential is what ordinary people do.
You are extraordinary.
You go beyond potential.
Grab a pencil and write these affirmations down.
I am greatness.
I excel at everything I attempt.
I always get results.
I exceed expectations.
I am more than potential.
I am not afraid to exceed my potential.



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Queen of Bite-Sized Motivation | Strategist | NOW: I help creatives build profitable businesses. | THEN: Playboy. Hilton. DIRECTV. Ogilvy. TheDrive. | Creator: