Want 3 surprising steps to get unstuck?

How Are You Using Your Time? | Note 021

Do you want more than what you have?/span>


Hey you! Thank you for joining me for another bite-sized motivational note. If you are new to the and the Sincerely HER podcast, I am Tam. I appreciate you joining me.
I thought a lot about time over the long three day holiday weekend. Many people have an unexpected amount of free time because of the pandemic. Instead of looking at the free time as a gift in disguise, some are using the time to complain and throw pity parties.
Many years ago, I found myself with nothing but time on my hand. I didn’t have anything to do and no place to be. Let me explain.
I had back surgery, and I was unable to do much, including thinking straight. I never felt sorry for myself, but I admit, I did have many moments of uncertainty before I found clarity. I quickly realized I needed to use my free time wisely.
Today’s Note: How are you using your time?
Do you want more than what you have? Become more than what you are. Stop wasting time. Focus on the things that will bring you closer to accomplishing your goals.
Instead of looking at everything that has happened to you, start to focus on all the great things that are waiting for you.
Don’t be afraid to dive in. Use this time living in gratitude. Use your time to let your why guide you. Now is the time to ask yourself, how are you using your time?
Instead of looking at everything that has happened to you, start to focus on all the great things that are waiting for you. Use your time to let your why guide you.






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Queen of Bite-Sized Motivation | Strategist | NOW: I help creatives build profitable businesses. | THEN: Playboy. Hilton. DIRECTV. Ogilvy. TheDrive. | Creator: