The Best Thing Happen To Me | Affirmations | Note 320
I’m happy, healthy, and wealthy.
I hope you listened to each of my notes this week and answered all of the questions I presented to you. They were challenging, right? But they were necessary. Sometimes we forget to ask ourselves important questions.
How does it feel?
Hopefully, you looked at the questions and thought, what’s the best thing that can happen to me and not what’s the worst thing that can happen. And on that note (pun intended).
Grab a pencil and write these affirmations down:
I see myself as a happy, healthy, wealthy, beautiful, smart, and courageous individual.
I admire countless things about myself.
I am grateful for and positive about all the goodness in my life.
I never entertain negative thoughts.
I formed good habits.
My good habits keep me going.
I’m okay with letting go.
The best thing happened to me.
Follow @iamSincerelyTam for daily motivation and inspiration.