Recognize Your Limitations | Note 039
Will you keep pushing and go for it?
Recognize your limitations and keep pushing. Every day you should be ready to confront your self-sabotage. And whatever is holding you back, don’t let it stop you.
Embrace who you are, at this moment, and work to change anything you don’t like or you feel is limiting.
If you want to learn a new language, go for it.
If you want to relocate, go for it.
If you want to go back to school, go for it.
The only way to change anything is to recognize your limitations and work damn hard to change them. Will you keep pushing and go for it?
Confront your self-sabotage and whatever is holding you back, don’t let it stop you. Embrace who you are, at this moment, and work to change anything you don’t like or you feel is limiting.
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