Really Discover Something New Within You | Self-Discovery | Note 378
Become willing to open your mind.
“This shift in consciousness is on the rise too, so think of this as your opportunity to join the inner revolution and really discover something new within you. Once you make the decision to investigate a little deeper, become willing to open your mind and finally go after the life you secretly dream about, then the rest will happen naturally. We were born to evolve and grow like nature and as soon as we align with who we are destined to become, life becomes easy. When you wake up, you transform into the person screaming to get out of you and the negative voice screaming at you begins to fade away!” — Brett Moran author of the bestselling book Wake The F*ck Up
The about quote is from Brett Moran’s ebook F*cking Wake Up which is a free introduction to his book Wake The Fuck Up. I love this excerpt from Brett’s book because it is a reminder that you have to decide to wake up and go after the life you want. It’s up to you to really discover something new within you.
Notes: Motivational Podcast, Mindset and Motivation Podcast, Motivational Quotes, Podcasts for Women, Bite-Sized Learning, Mindset Coach