Law of Success | Mindset | Note 310
He can who thinks he can.
I filled each note this week with quotes and advice inspired by Raymond Holliwell’s book Working With The Law: 11 Truth Principles for Successful Living. Wrapping up the week, we are going to learn about the most important Law of all.
Today’s note: Law of Success
He can who thinks he can. You were put here to succeed. Your purpose is to become great. You were meant to enjoy every good in the universe. The Universal Laws deny you nothing. You were born to be rich and successful.
You can succeed if you wish to. All the essentials are within you to succeed. All you need is to gain an understanding of the principles and laws then apply the correct methods of operating these causes until success is earned. The Law of Success is as definite as the laws of any science.
Grab a pencil and write these affirmations down.
I can.
I succeed.
I am great.
I am denied nothing.
I was born rich and successful.
I have an I can attitude.
I achieve my ambition.
I aim high and build well.
I wish to succeed, and I do.
I can.
This is the Law. This is the Law of Success.
Follow @iamSincerelyTam for daily motivation and inspiration.
Topics: Motivation, Motivational Quotes, Motivational Words, Personal Development, Inspiration, Self-Improvement