Jump or Stay the Same | Note 006
For things to change you have to change.
If you don’t like the direction your life is headed, don’t accept it. Change it.
If you don’t decide to change and take the jump, you’ll never fly.
Over the weekend I thought a lot about change. Specifically, why some people are afraid to jump. I remember living in New York and I was tired of traveling to the same places all the time. I wanted to go to London, Paris, and experience Europe. I couldn’t find anyone to travel with me. I could have said forget it, but I decided to take the jump and go solo. Close to two decades ago, I took my first trip to Europe. That trip changed my life.
If you don’t like the direction your life is headed, don’t accept it. Change it. Don’t be afraid to jump. You are stronger than you know, but you will never live the life you dreamed of as long as you’re stuck in the same place.
Jim Rohn once said, “For things to change you have to change.” The best way to change is to jump.
Take the jump into the life you always wished you had. Decide to jump into the career you always wanted. Ignore the fear of leaving your comfort zone and take the jump to see the world. Be comfortable doing things alone. Take the jump and go solo. Be committed to improving your circumstances.
Take on the responsibility of changing your life. If you don’t decide to change and take the jump, you’ll never fly.
Don’t hesitate and wait for the perfect time.
Dare to jump now.
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