Best of | Personal Development | Note 417
Improve your skills to increase your chances of achieving your goal.
Today it’s all about personal development. As we approach 2022, there is no better time than now to reflect on some of the best of my bite-sized motivational notes, all about helping you improve your skills to increase your chances of achieving your goal.
Show Notes:
Get Smarter and Stronger | Note 007
Are you using this time to go after what you want in life?
“The pandemic is here. You can be fragile during this time, or you can use this time to get smarter and stronger. It’s your choice.
Many people will use COVID-19 as an excuse to do nothing except worry and live in fear. The goal-getter and I am talking about the GOAL-Getter, will use this time to go after what they want in life.
Those who are motivated to succeed will spend this time building a strong mindset and investing in their personal development. This includes creating a plan, reading books, learning, and preparing to emerge from the pandemic smarter and stronger.
You have all the essentials within yourself to be successful. Will you waste this time, or will you use it to become smarter and stronger? ”
It’s All Your Fault | Note 052
Are you’re stuck blaming other people and past situations?
I graduated from college with a Bachelor of Science with enough credits to have two degrees. I was in college, probably two years too long. Looking back at it, I could have tried to blame my parents for not giving me better guidance. I could try to use the excuse that I went to public school, which lacked the proper resources to prepare me for college. I could try to blame all the college professors and counselors I met along my journey for not doing a better job to help me figure it out. I can think of 2-3 more people I could try to blame, but it doesn’t matter.
I should of made better decisions.
I could of made better decisions.
I would of made better decisions
if I knew better,
but I didn’t,
and it’s my fault.
It’s easy to blame everyone else for your circumstances, but blaming other people for your situation won’t make it better. In fact, as long as you continue to blame others, you’ll stay stuck. You’ll stay a should of, could of, would of. And no one likes a should of, could of, would of person. And secretly, it’s hard to truly love yourself, and embrace what’s ahead when you’re stuck blaming other people and past situations.
If you want to be better, stop making excuses.
Stop blaming everyone and everything.
Acknowledge you’re in the situation you’re in because of your choices and decisions.
Accept that it’s all your fault.
It’s About You Not Other People | Note 071
What do you believe about yourself?
What do you say about yourself?
What do you do for yourself?
Here’s the thing. Nothing else matters except what you believe, what you say, and what you do for you.
What other people believe about you, say about you, and do doesn’t matter.
Don’t worry about what other people believe.
Don’t worry about what other people say.
Don’t worry about what other people do.
Be okay with what you believe.
Be okay with what you say.
Be okay with what you do.
No one has to believe in you, but you.
No one has to say it is okay, but you.
No one has to do it, but you.
You have to believe.
You have to say it’s okay.
You have to do it.
It’s about you, not other people.
You2 | Note 111
You don’t have to buy into the idea that success comes one step at a time.
My mission this week is to help you start each day motivated and inspired to be your best — to be You2 (You Squared).
For Note 103 of the Sincerely HER podcast, I talked about how you must do something new. I referenced a quote about taking quantum leaps from the book “You2: A High-Velocity Formula for Multiplying Your Personal Effectiveness in Quantum Leaps.” I found the book to be so impactful.
“You2 implies an “explosive jump” in your personal performance that puts you far beyond the next logical step.”
Do you know to take quantum leaps in your life, whether personal or professional, first you must forget about taking the conventional pathway to growth?
You don’t have to accept gradual improvement to have a breakthrough.
You don’t have to buy into the idea that success comes one step at a time.
You don’t have to endure a time-consuming struggle to take a quantum leap.
But you will have to have a radical departure from some of your habits.
A quantum leap requires you to do things differently than you always have. A quantum leap is the only way to become You2.
Get Uncomfortable | Note 114
Playing it safe is a sign that you’re not growing.
“Uneasiness is a predictable psychological reaction when a quantum leap is underway.”
How can you expect to make quantum leaps if you’re always in your comfort zone? Playing it safe is a sign that you’re not growing. You aren’t making any mistakes that you can learn from. You aren’t taking any risks.
If you want to grow, live up to your potential and beyond. Proceed despite feeling fear. Be willing to cover some unfamiliar terrain. Learn to let go. Take risks and get uncomfortable.
Notes: Motivational Podcast, Mindset and Motivation Podcast, Motivational Quotes, Podcasts for Women, Bite-Sized Learning, Mindset Coach