Take the Wheel and Drive | Note 037
Wouldn’t it be better to stop waiting and take action?
I was already driving by the age of 11. I had not driven a car, but in my mind, I knew I could drive. I studied and watched my mother’s every move each day. I finally got behind the wheel of a car around the age of 15 and hit the gas pedal for the first time when my mother took me for a driving lesson.
Although I took driver’s education in high school, I did not get a driver’s license until I was in college. I was pulled over and cited for driving without one. That experience forced me to get a driver’s license.
Why was I driving without a license? Not sure.
Driving was second nature. Driving any car, including a stick shift, was like writing my name on a piece of paper. Looking back, I guess I just didn’t have time to wait on anybody, anything, or any piece of paper.
Today’s Note: Take the Wheel and Drive
If you don’t do it for yourself, no one will do it for you.
If you keep waiting, it probably will never happen.
If you hesitate, more than likely, you’ll miss the opportunity.
If you live by when this, what if, and then I’ll do that if this happens, you’ll always wait for when that and if that.
Wouldn’t it be better to stop waiting and take action?
Wouldn’t it be awesome to take control of your destiny?
Wouldn’t it be great to take the wheel and drive?
If you don’t do it for yourself, no one will do it for you. If you keep waiting, it probably will never happen. If you hesitate, more than likely, you’ll miss the opportunity. Wouldn’t it be better to stop waiting and take action?”
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