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Take The Chance | Note 222

Do you have the courage to take a chance on yourself?

As a young adult, I took a chance when I transferred colleges. I left UNLV in Las Vegas and moved to New York, and I’m forever grateful. Living in New York offered me a fresh perspective than laidback California.
I took a chance over a decade ago and embarked on a solo trip across the pond to London and Paris. It was the start of my lifelong pursuit to see the world. When I chose to take a chance, my life forever changed for good.

Today’s Note: Take The Chance

Deciding to take a chance on yourself shouldn’t be a tough decision, but for some, it is. Deciding to take a chance takes courage.
Life-changing opportunities can be disguised and or masked by fear. You can be one person or one decision away for the chance of a lifetime, but if you aren’t willing to take a chance, you’ll never know. So, consider choosing to take the chance.



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Queen of Bite-Sized Motivation | Strategist | NOW: I help creatives build profitable businesses. | THEN: Playboy. Hilton. DIRECTV. Ogilvy. TheDrive. | Creator: